Author: Sam Shadow (SMSHDW)

The language before language

What do babies think before they can ask themselves questions? What is it like to ask, “what is that?” without the language to do so? If an animal is curious about something, how does it tell itself it’s curious? Is there a consistent thought that fires every time it thinks, “I wonder what that is?”

The only way to get ahead is to teach yourself

I’ve often remarked that the education system is bad, and it is. Something I just realized is that people don’t know how to teach. It’s actually worse than I initially realized because I was giving these people the benefit of the doubt. But now I realize that these people I looked up to are no different than any other person. They simply think they know what they’re doing and have the power to enforce it, but in reality they are just as lost and as unqualified as any of us. Don’t be fooled, the only true way to get ahead and learn is to teach yourself. That much is evident.

Free will and the scarecrow

We may not have free will. After reading that passage in The Elegant Universe it seems very possible that our decisions and logic follow a pre-determined path, perhaps with limited choice on our parts. Maybe in the future, a milestone humans will pass is the realization of this truth and the reform that will need to follow.

Perhaps college was more useful than previously credited for. I came to this conclusion after watching The Wizard of Oz, towards the end, when the wizard revealed himself and spoke to the scarecrow. Success at college isn’t only the technical understanding you gain, but rather the depth with which you can think.

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